Public Service Announcement
Over the past couple of weeks, this site has been fortunate enough to receive attention from a number of mass media outlets, all of which we sincerely appreciate, but it's become clear that we need to clarify a couple things. We’re not Pistons fans, and the actual plight of Darko Milicic, the man, interests us very little. For us, Darko is a symbol of many compelling storylines in the Association: the European influx, the never-ending quest for the next big thing (how many of us are already tired of hearing about Greg Oden and O.J. Mayo?), and the larger geopolitical and cultural issues surrounding a seven foot war orphan trying to navigate his way through contemporary American society. But, he’s just a symbol. A mascot. Sometimes a name is just a name.
The confusion is understandable, however, a quick glance through the posts is all it takes to realize that this website isn't particularly Darko-centric. Oh well.
There is nothing to apologize about.
We must bend people to our will. Only then will they be saved.
I agree with emynd that if anyone were to actually read a few post they would realize that Darko is an inspiration not a fixation, but these guys probably only read the two most recent post if anything at all. Maybe a permanent statement of purpose or mission statement (I felt so lame typing the last two words)at the top of the site written by the Masters will help alleviate some of the confusion.
time to start
my only goal and dream in this life was to have called this site "skitatime"
i think some people fixate on darko's role on here because otherwise, what the hell is it (about) in one sentence or less? better to label and be wrong than not be able to summarize something, right?
shouldn't this conversation be going on behind the closed doors of email?
I'm the host of the show -- SportsBloggersLive -- that Brown Recluse, Esq. was so kind to appear on yesterday evening, and I realized going in that FreeDarko is about much more than just Darko. However, Darko and this site's Darko petition, t-shirt, mood and web address is what we were hoping to discuss, not the NBA at-large. Perhaps I should have explained that more thoroughly (or even at all) in the emails that I exchanged with Mr. Recluse and Mr. Shoals beforehand.
Regardless, thank you, Mr. Recluse for appearing on our program. I enjoyed it and I hope you did as well (although it does not sound like it). And thank you, all of FreeDarko, for a consistently entertaining and thought-provoking site.
i enjoyed it fine, i just wish i had been more prepared. i felt like i let you guys down, and part of that had to do with the differing expectations going in. it's cool, though. thanks for having me on, and thanks for supporting free darko.
it's a blog. he's a scrub. what am I missing here?
you're posts are more interesting than his play, I can tell you that. And I am a Piston fan.
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