
An object, for once

The good folks over at The Blog Reader threw license to the wind and did a piece on FreeDarko. This should give you all a chance to see how I think about this thing when not in full livery, and I'd even venture that I used many more contractions than Teddy gave me credit for. Or perhaps that's simply evidence that FD is all things to all people who happen to know that it exists.

Also, in conversation I credited Ian for the Simmons/Gorby comparison, it's the Sports Guy's intern who has been shady toward specific blogs, and my answers were probably tempered one way or the other by the fact that there was a black handyman in his early thirties running around my apartment.

Incidentally, back in the airport.


At 6/17/2006 6:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

“a group of pretentious, insular circle jerks,”

Heh. I thought we were already there.

At 6/17/2006 10:49 PM, Blogger Bethlehem Shoals said...

for what it's worth, i meant that our "community" was a circle jerk, not that we are each our own private circle jerk conducted in the arena of freedarko.

At 6/17/2006 11:45 PM, Blogger Captain Caveman said...

It certainly can be pretentious, but at the very least it's a self-regulating group of intelligentsia that spews a great deal less bullshit than a TA-led discussion group at any given private college. And honestly, it's a breath of fresh air in the dumbed-down world of sports journalism.

At 6/18/2006 3:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It certainly can be pretentious, but at the very least it's a self-regulating group of intelligentsia that spews a great deal less bullshit than a TA-led discussion group at any given private college. And honestly, it's a breath of fresh air in the dumbed-down world of sports journalism.

Hear, Hear!

At 6/18/2006 5:31 PM, Blogger Ian said...

Thanks for the shout.

At 6/18/2006 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He sic-ed your quote. The nerve.


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