Humans Everywhere

Lots happening in the world right now. The Atlanta Hawks look like a top-4 Eastern Conference team with only four good players. Jamal Crawford looks like an all-star. Ziller reports that the Kings tonight will be starting Mikki Moore, Brad Miller, AND Jason Thompson.
And yes, we're still basking in the glow of the book. I want to thank the countless people who have given positive comments on the web today. I also found it appropriate that our first Amazon comment was by someone named J. Williams (Jay? Jayson? Jason?). Promises that all of this will end at some point and we will get back to strictly business, but for now it's still serious. We're promoting a movement. If you check the Freedarko book page, you will see that we are hitting the ground on the East Coast in early December for a slew of readings. Our West Coast and Midwest offices, however, are going to celebrate sooner.
First, Brown Recluse, Esq. & I (Dr. LIC) will be hosting the official Chicago FD Book Blast THIS THURSDAY at 7PM at
Pequod's Pizza
2207 N. Clybourn Ave.
We're gonna have some sort of room to ourselves, but this is by no means a private event. Come out, drink a lot with us, the TNT games will be on plasma-screens, we're gonna hopefully have books for sale, and we're going to stage some sort of Lion's Club-esque tribal/communal reading where we Xerox a bunch of copies of the FD Manifesto and have you read along with the Recluse and me, call and response style.
Also, the pizza at this spot is no joke:

Then, next Wednesday, November 19, Bethlehem Shoals will be holding it down for the entire Northwest coast at our Seattle event. He and Sports Northwest cordially invite you to an evening of basketball, drinking, and buying the book if you haven't already. There will be special guests, seventeenth-century relics, and a fun viewing menu of Mavs @ Rockets and Derrick Rose @ Portland. Also, you can watch Shoals try and figure out what the autograph of a fake name looks like.
Venue/time is as follows:
514 E. Howell Street
5 p.m. till
As usual, email freedarko (at) gmail (dot) com with any info, and try to bring everyone you can to these events.
Labels: announcements, FD book
I'm watching "Alien from Earth" on PBS, but before I switched away, the Warriors were playing a line-up of Jackson, Biedrins, Azubulke, Turiaf, and Anthony "Alien from Earth" Randolph. The announcers called it "tall ball."
That pizza looks out of this world. I'm even more excited. Now when it gets awkward, just eat more pizza.
"Ziller reports that the Kings tonight will be starting Mikki Moore, Brad Miller, AND Jason Thompson."
And against that lineup, the new-look Pistons still barely won. I mean, barely. (Yeah, the final score says they won by 8 points, but that was all foul shots at the end.) Ah, the wages of trading for swag... need I mention that the old-look Pistons went undefeated this year, as have the new-look Nuggets so far, whereas the old-look Nuggets were 1-3. Of course, small sample size and all that.
I have tix for Celts and Hawks tonight. First lie game of the season for me and the crew. I was dying to see Josh Smith in person, but will settle for Horford and Johnson.
Celts always seem to make Za Za look like an all-star.
Not tonight, C's by 8 behind Bill Walkers 76 pts and 23 assists.
Hey, if FD is looking to pick a fight with another website, Marginal Revolution has a decidedly anti-FD post today, even offering Arenas as an example of abject ball-hogging.
Just wanted to comment that I picked up your book yesterday at Borders. I'm about 2/3rds through it as I couldn't put it down. It really is a great book. Especially from "bloggers" because i had also bought the "Stuff White People LIke" book and "Men With Balls" aka the "Kissing Suzy Kulbert" book; but this one just blows both out of the water given its overall package. The artwork, the number theories, the dead-on passages to each player. The whole thing is just so well put -together. I'm definetly going to recommend this to any friend i have who loves basketball but never heard of freedarko. Hope you guys sell well cause i'd love to see another book in the future.
Since K-Mart and Birdman were out last night, the Nuggets at one point had JR Smith, Renaldo Balkman, and Cheikh Samb on the floor at the same time. Things are pretty wacky out here in the Mile High City these days, but 3-0 since Billups.
First round of Bourbon Sweet Tea's on me next Wednesday....looking forward to chatting hoops, The Wire, French and Indian War, with like minded folks....
We actually have Facebook event pages for both of these, but mine is through my NF account, which might make it harder to track down.
I will definitely try to be at the Chicago event tomorrow. It's hard to find good pizza in this town -- I hate the deep-dish style!
Also bring plenty of copies of the book, because I will be buying at least two!
Goddammit, I have to be in Michigan on the 19th*, otherwise I'd totally be there.
*I'm so bad, I *literally* vacation in Detroit. Admittedly, my daughter lives there.
DC event is at Georgetown? Interesting choice, but it's pretty much quarantined from the rest of DC: No Metro! I guess I'll ride my bike there instead.
Busboys and Poets would have been a killer venue for this...Oh well.
We thought about Busboys and Poets, but some folks at Georgetown reached out to us, are covering expenses, and just generally seemed to really want us there. Also, a university space ensures we'll have the projection specs our presentation requires. And it sounds prestigious. So to all DC'ers, hopefully this isn't too much of an obstacle to your attending.
It looks like the FD crew will be one of three presenters at the Varsity Letters Reading Series. Do you think that the talk at that one will be abbreviated compared to the one in Brooklyn?
The Brooklyn thing is all about watching a game and talking shit. Varsity Letters will be the presentation we give at the other places, but with less rambling and room for discussion.
If the LES one and the Brooklyn one are going to be different, I might hit both (I'll be the fat guy too paralyzed by social anxiety to talk to you guys except to stammer a possible autograph request).
Cool. Yeah, I think they will be fairly different. Also, the LES one will also be about showing the might of FD to those in attendance for other authors.
Excellent. Looking forward to it.
Finkel is Einhorn?
I seriously love it when the crust gets burnt and the pepperoni curls up. See you in NYC!
If the Atlanta Hawks are undefeated when I wake up tomorrow morning, I'm convinced...that Mike Woodson was just joking around the last 5 years.
I can't believe Boston's not on the tour
Okay, first time, long time, if you know what I mean. Going through the book now a second time and noticed an error that I cannot let stand. In your stat-box on page 63 which details The Uncanny Peacocks Short-Form Explosions, you listed the completion percentage for each player of the 243 possible sequences. However, I am embarrased to point out that 82/243 is actually 34% and not 0.34%. In fact it is not even possible to complete 0.34% of these 243 possible sequences in this specific example. Sorry, I love you all for your attention to detail and love mathematics too much to allow this to go unchecked. No hard feelings, One Love.
I think these events you are having are amazingly great i wish i was back home to go to them ive been in new york the past year, so i will be unable to Join.
However next event you have, meaning ill have to check back in more often ill try give a heads up to my cousins and friends because i really do believe these events you're having sound great
Xerox Solid Ink for Phaser
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