

Love's Comin' Down

For the record, I think "Soulja Boy" is a really dope song. Compare it with "Chicken Noodle Soup," which is more an infomercial or Pavlovian cue. I also like that it's an actual dance, instead ofjust leaning back, snapping your finger, or clapping your hands. But up until now, I'd never thought I'd post a "Soulja Boy" video on FreeDarko, despite the fact that I watch at least five a day.

To all things, there is an end. Wait till about forty seconds in, during the time-out. And what's so amazing about this is that, unlike the UT football squad's highly performative take, S-Jax, Harrington and Baron aren't at all distracted from the huddle. The dance has become a tic, a comforting gesture, a stance.

This clip also made me really anxious for some reason. Like the season really is about to start, and this—the kind of thing I'm in this fan game for—will be happening on the regular. And in some ways, that is truly overwhelming.


  1. This is my favorite one yet.

  2. Hardcore Mavs fan here.
    I have spewed so much hate at that team since our unceremonious exit.
    That's pretty fuckin' awesome, that right there.

  3. NBA: please take a cue from hockey here. S-Jax needs a "C" on that jersey. Baron needs an "A." Not only would that work with the league's new crackdown on referee chatter (only captains can chop it up with the refs in hockey), but it would bring more attention on the VASTLY underreported (except on this site) captaincy of Mr. Jackson. Additionally, the brilliance of having one of the most tempestuous referee conversers in the league suddenly allowed, nay encouraged to talk with the referee, must be realized.

  4. Point of order--is not the proper name of the composition "Crank That" with "Soulja Boy" reduced to a mere parenthetical in the title?

    On the authenticity tip, there's a major article on The Wire in this week's New Yorker. I haven't finished reading it yet (online) but supposedly it contains spoilers, so be warned.

  5. Public Service link:

    Being white is overrated.

  6. Two things:

    1) My favorite part of the video is when Harrington hears the song and looks back excitedly at Jackson. (My second favorite part is when Baron asks that they put it on again.)

    2) re: the Wire story in The New Yorker--well worth everyone's time. And it's been getting discussed on ShowHype, which I am shamelessly plugging.

    wv: avijsh--Avi's Jewish. Duh.

  7. Quick question: Is it possible that Baron is what we sort of wished Gilbert had always been? Like, quirky and charismatic and talented and stylized, but with a sense of reality that infuses everything he does? Like, he's a explosive temper, but he also is a genuine leader (witness the point in that clip where he leads the troops off the bench a second BEFORE the timeout comes). He is a floating christmas ball of potential and present grittiness all in one. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I don't know what exactly FD is, but if I had a site that had an ethos, I think Baron would be it. Discuss

  8. This is the only Soulja Boy video I've seen that's been posted with any kind of thought or meaning. Thank you.


    seriously though, baron davis is almost as close to divinely touched as possible, right up there with gil gilberto nasty. I would argue, alongside bongo, that mr. arenas has of late slipped in my personal detached fan ratings, and baron has climbed.

    this video only justifies that. during the wizards vs. bulls preseason game the other day, gilberto looked positively pleased to give up the rock possession after possession, and yes, he is injured, but that doesn't mean he can't jack up threes or something else glorious. baron on the other hand controls the court, his team, and my life without even being in the game. HE IS THE MAN FROM THE SIDELINES. i have never seen another player do all that, including give some words of encouragement to a very young looking brendan wright, all while being the definition of swag. i for one, still believe.


  10. ronald james davis, word is bond. a C and an A on every team would be classic stuff which should be encouraged, not cracked down upon.

  11. Re: Bongo and rebar
    It seems that Gil is displaying potential to become a caricature of his own "wackiness," as created/disseminated by the media, which is troubling. As in: performing it instead of being it. But let us not deploy the life rafts just yet: he might steer around those icebergs or plow into them and sink, either way its still the grandest ship plying these icy waters (and crashes make spectacular spectacle, no?).

    And let's not forget that Baron says "I'm talking as much as possible 'cause I got this mic on."

  12. it is after moments like this, that i am torn between who i find to be the most interesting "character" around.

    Baron, Gil, or Tracy Morgan as Tracy Jordan on 30rock.

  13. Define: superman dat ho

    When a male ejaculates on a blanket and sticks it on a female's back, creating a cape like superman.

    Made famous by Soulja Boi's single, "Crank dat"

    Lyrics are as follows: "Watch me crank dat soulja boi den superman dat ho"

    Sure, blogs, especially sports blogs, are places of fervent male sexuality and usually tasteless jokes about women, but do you really have to support such a terrible song that has such fucked up meaning to its lyrics?

  14. Biendris so wants to join in, but he hasn't quite got the moves perfected yet. 2 more weeks of practice in front of the mirror in the basement, though, and WATCH OUT.

  15. i think superman is just a dance move, there's no need for moral panic.

  16. athletes have been known for their ability to do popular dances, yes.

  17. When a male ejaculates on a blanket and sticks it on a female's back, creating a cape like superman.

    Is this true? Does anyone actually do this? If so, why is it supposed to be sexy? It just sounds silly to me.

  18. man why even come up with a thing like that

  19. This is the time of year when anticipation and expectation begin to curl in the pit of my stomach. Watching a team develope it's identity during preseason, especially with a new coach, is rewarding.

    For the benefit of all, a FD disertation on Dwight Howard should be in the works. I know he doesn't have that FD aesthetic, but trust me.

  20. Being so un FD is so FD right now.

  21. I've lurked for a long time here, but felt compelled to say this: "Being so un FD is so FD right now." is just a ridiculous thing to say.

    Also: has there ever been a time when the three best teams in the NBA come out of the same division? Spurs, Mavs, Rockets have a legit shot, I'd say.

  22. however much i want the rockets to win every series in 7 off an absurd t-mac half court 3, and then face the new york knicks (lineup: marbury, robinson, richardson, randolph, curry) in the finals, i doubt the rockets have a chance. with the sole exception of my beloved warriors, the playoffs appear to have installed an anti-interesting player barrier. only reason the warriors got through was they were too schizophrenic to register.

    i hope wesco finals is warriors rockets. you gotta love a team with 9 guards on its roster, including but not limited to tmac, skiptomylou, franchise, and aaron "oregon duck" brooks.

    however, as earlier stated, i feel like the intriguing potential of the rockets combined with the godsend of an uptempo offense will be too cool for skool, or the finals. its almost as if as much as we want tmac to succeed, his success would bankrupt the beauty and realness of his narrative. the only options are winning it all or losing in the first round. anything else will trivialize his greatness.

  23. i take it all back. whatever doubts i had about gilbert vs baron were immediately cleared up after reading the new arenas blog entry.


    now i realize... boom dizzle and g-nasty are two sides of the same coin, a godly duo of on and off court brilliance.

    this new blog entry gives me renewed hope in humanity.

  24. I just wrote another blog where I totally suck up to you guys and call you awesome. So I figure, fuck it, here's the link:

  25. Why are people gassing up the Rockets. Every year they lose in the first round. They won't be anything special this year either.... And I'm a huge T-Mac fan so I don't really like saying that.

    may god have mercy on your souls.
