

Birth in the Shambles

Counterpoint to yesterday's angst, or maybe its underlying assumption. As much as this site fixates on off-beat, incomplete, troubled, or fantastic players, there's a far more basic theme. The reason I'm with the NBA—and why the "I Love This Game" motto should've been kept—is that sometimes, this sport just plain makes me happy to be alive. Fills up my head with pure joy. Etc.

That's the real reason I jock the players I do. When they're on, they not only make things happen on the court—in some small way, they make the world a better place. Insofar as myself and those like me are a part of the world, and our days, however briefly, are brightened by them. Certainly that's got to count for something.

See Brick, there's your "fifth-grade NBA opinions voiced as revolutionary manifestos." Craft is cool and everything, but I wouldn't care about outcomes if the game didn't unfold in this way. That's backward, I know, and yet I think it allows for a more rewarding—if more demanding—relationship with this ho-hum moneymaking, rafter-draping enterprise.


  1. So has FreeDarko completely abandoned the tenet that style, or what have you, in its purest expression, will lead to victory? Or does FreeDarko even care about the overall season anymore? I am just curious, because the site's viewpoint on the sport seems to have been reduced to a purely aesthetic one recently.

  2. Style it still a means to an end. But I don't think I'd care about that end if style weren't involved.

  3. Wonderful clip. It got me thinking about Connie Hawkins and his almost casual brilliance, and how badly he got fucked over for not marching to the man's tune. One could even go so far as to call the man FD.

  4. Man, I never realized just how damn long the Hawk's arms were. He would have had Chad Ford going crazy with measurement-lust.

  5. there needs to be a button on your tv that'll automagically shrink everyone's shorts and give it that super 8 feel. i just can't get over how beautiful this old shit is.

  6. The Celts are sportin' some throwback jerseys at home nowadays and the shorts are reportedly suppose to be shorter than usual. The only player who really rocked them like they were suppose to be rock'ed was Brian Scalabrine however.

    I admit I got really excited when i heard that the shorts were going to be old school throwbacks as well, and was really disappointed when they weren't. no homo.

  7. "It got me thinking about Connie Hawkins and his almost casual brilliance, and how badly he got fucked over for not marching to the man's tune"
    Cobble the above with the Lil Wayne bit and I'll cue my interior Percival Everett

  8. There is no attempt here, in my addled state, to short the Hawk: I did read his book, but the reek surfaces and only Robert Townshend can champion the miasma. Jelly Bean in Venice, dig.

  9. It's been mentioned before, but now we have one more piece of evidence that Josh Howard is the best Maverick.

  10. honestly, though. the point is not how badass this is, but how it proves how badass this shit can be. the spurs, pistons, et al are going to win their shit, and there's something to be said for that. the spurs of the aughts fucking dominate, and should be respected thusly. but the fact of the matter is that occasionally in the NBA, there's gonna be players, and maybe even teams, that dominate stylistically and resultorially (totally not a word, but i'm using it anyway). we can keep an eye out for those players and teams, and even when they don't make it all the way, we can love them and celebrate them for it. oh man i shouldn't be commenting; i'm drunk right now.

    wv: vjncx = vince just cannot exist (as a brooklyn net)

  11. echoing your state, jpc, all i would say is:

    vince just necessarily exists as a brooklyn net.

  12. Craft can lead to victory, but unless winning is done through and with style, it cannot lead to true greatness. Winning through craft alone is a pyrrhic victory.

  13. That one-hand ball evasion shit that Hawkins did all the time is comedy. Someone needs to bring that back.
