

Food Makes Circuits

One of my favorite commercials ever was the one where Kobe blocked the Eiffel FUCK out of that fat kid. If you've ever asked yourself, "how would Andray Blatche handle himself in that situation, if it were real life and not a commercial?", your time is now.


  1. This reminds me of the episode of Road Rules where Kobe and Reggie Miller played 21 against the Road Rulers and Syrus from Real World was the ref. Every bucket the Road Rulers made got them $20 but for every one that Kobe or Reg made they lost $10. I think the RR cast ended up owing like $50 and it ended with someone saying something to the effect of "These guys are millionaires, why don't they just let us get our money?!" as Reggie dunked the ball.

  2. I'm totally stealing Eiffel Fuck and using it in benefit of my friends not knowing what the fuck I'm talking about when I say I write for Free Darko.
