

A Little Reminder

Of why we do this. Sheed, THIS MONTH.

Now go read my politics post, if you haven't already.


  1. I have been reading FD regularly for the past 2 months but I never posted a comment before.
    I have been trying to understand the logic behind the photos posted along each articles and felt quite content when I managed to comprehend some. However, the photo with the ladies at a campaign rally for Sarkozy baffles me. I understand that it was a political post but given FD's general "feel", I was surprised to see a "Sarkozy rally" photo. Sarkozy is a lot of things but certainly not FD or was that the point the whole tim e ? I apologize for the off topic comment but I also wanted to thank you on posting the Sheeed's free style. There should be more Sheed in the world.
    the malagasy dwarf hippo

  2. I normally can't stand Sheed, but anybody who brings Cuban Linx to the ESPN Top 10 can't be all bad.

  3. I was just going to say, quoting the beginning of Nas' verse from Verbal Intercourse must be some kind of post-modern freestyling.

  4. i been reading this blog for a while and it kind of inspired me. check out my blog - not as much NBA, covers sports in general.

  5. Big up to the cameraman. Dude had to walk backwards.

  6. and to the cam for filming backwards DAMN

  7. Way too frequently, my friends and I fall into the game of talking about which professional athletes we'd want to smoke blunts with. Rasheed is almost always the first mentioned. Getting Verbal Intercourse on Sportscenter pretty much cemented his #1 position.

  8. "I was just going to say, quoting the beginning of Nas' verse from Verbal Intercourse must be some kind of post-modern freestyling."

    uh, no, it's just quoting.
