

Loud News from Above

So after a year and change at FanHouse, I've decided to venture elsewhere. Starting on 2/4, I'll be part of the hand-picked team at The Sporting Blog. Pencil me in the somewhere between Shanoff, the Artist Formerly Known as Orson Swindle, Chris Mottram, Brian from Awful Announcing, and Large from No Mas. I'll also be holding down a weekly column on the "real" site, which has already raised all sorts of questions like "could the fictive 'Bethlehem Shoals' get credentials?" I bet no one ever asked Big L that.

Anyway, I am mightily stoked, and ready to lead a more focused, less frazzled writing life. If you haven't heard, I'm also working intensively on this FD book, which is part of why posting has been scarce. However, I think this new gig will free up a little more time for me to tromp around here. Win-win for all us boys and girls.


  1. Congrats Shoals. Sporting Blog has really put together a murderer's row with you, Large, Shanoff and Leitch's Super Bowl coverage. Any chance Dr. LIC makes the jump as well? The more DLIC the better, I always say.

  2. Big up, Shoals!

  3. Nice work Shoals -- the bloody shark content at the Sporting News just increased exponentially. I'll look forward to it.

    Speaking of takeovers, may I just bring up the fact that I'm looking forward to TNT running NBA TV? Even if it only means no more Andre Aldridge making an awkward allllllriiiight segue in every highlight.

  4. Meanwhile, Chad Ford just admitted that Darko is a bust.

  5. Whats the deal with this book?

  6. But Shoals, the discussion at FanHouse was always so erudite. How can you leave that behind?

  7. Well done, Shoals.

  8. It just keeps getting better. Congrats man.

  9. Fantastical.

    Does this mean the "members" section is going to happen?

  10. This is good news.

    Also good news: Stephon Marbury is likely done for the year. The Knicks are ever closer to being freee.

    The extra "e" is for emphasis.
