

Behind The Lead Curtain

Say welcome to my weekly Sporting News column. In this first addition, I wonder exactly what the value of a swingman is, and then blame it all on people who don't acknowledge Gerald Wallace. Also, don't miss this post, where I start to come to terms with Marion's exit. Seriously, these things are fun!

But more importantly than all of that, you can now—for reasons having to do with accountability and professionalism—know my real name. So knock yourself out with that one, but don't go thinking that "Bethlehem Shoals" hasn't taken on a life of his own. Or that I can even control him anymore. He hang glides, I don't touch the stuff.

Have had extensive plastic surgery since that photo was taken, though. So good luck tracking me down by sight!


  1. Nice opening salvos on the sporting news. However, they should spell your first name correctly.

  2. First the Suns give up the run and gun dream and admit it will never work, now the man behind the mask is revealed. I can't take all these truths at once. Somebody lie to me!

  3. Since the face been revealed, game got real

    I thought the real name was revealed when you wrote your Slate piece last year.

  4. (Warning) Self-indulgent SML moment: I am very proud of this fact I just learned... if you Google "Apollo Kids Ghostface lyrics", I show up on the first page of results.

    Anyone who contributed to your slush fund would already know your real name. So all those of you who are just finding this out... you're all cheap bastards.

    And someone needs to post a pic of Brown Recluse so I can throw darts at it.

  5. Real name was on Chicago Sports pieces too. And the archives. Easy enough to find, but I like that the little clues exist.

  6. the firejoemorgan guys just unmasked as well.
    the whole internet just keeps getting smaller and i don't like it.

  7. You have a Jewish-sounding name. I wouldn't have guessed that.

    Meanwhile, I remain shrouded in mystery, an enigma with attitude. Mwah.


  9. Psst. "In this first edition", not "first addition".

  10. I'm trying to decide if the SportingNews comments are actually worse than the Fanhouse comments were and I think it's giving me an aneurysm.

  11. no shit...when I read the "Shoals is no expert" post, of course i completely disagreed with it, but i could see his point until he said

    "If a "liberated fan" wants to watch basketball that isn't built around iso play and "right-way" basketball, and isn't incumbent on whether or not it can lead to championship success*, there's plenty of college basketball that doesn't fit this mold. Maybe they're watching the wrong league."

    really? are you fucking kidding me? thanks for the comments, move along now.

  12. My favorite part about that comment had to be (paraphrased): "He's saying that swingmen are devalued. But what he's really saying is that they're not celebrated enough."

    Right, since that's really a column that would be written using rudimentary economics. I guess I'm suggesting that some swingmen are worth more than others, and that it depends on team context. But that's anything but idol worship.

    The only people dumber than FreeDarko are the people who misread us as style-over-substance.

  13. There's an awful lot of ugly basketball in the college game, and a lot of it that could be correctly labeled as "right-way" and full of iso play, but there's a lot of innovation and variety there as well, even moreso than in the NBA. Take the West Virginia Pittsnoggle team a couple of years ago, spreading the floor with all five of their players and living or dying with the three-pointer. Look at what Duke is doing this year. There's a lot of that comment I don't agree with, and I think he doesn't get freedarko, but I didn't have a problem with that comment.
