

The Many Ways of Birds

You may have on occasion heard me sing the praises of Talkin' Ball, the Portland television program whose title says it all. At last, we have some footage to share, and boy is it a good one. Talkin' Ball is no longer filmed in an empty bar, and Jim Pasero -- the engine who really made the barley cook -- is no longer a regular part of the panel. But he was on Thursday, as was our esteemed pal Ben Golliver.

Shortly before Ben went on the air, he and I joked about the Rudy Fernandez situation as a "clash of civilizations." When Ben found a way to insert this heady phrase into the discussion (about two minutes in), I squealed with delight. But that was just the beginning of all the fun you can have with a silly cable-news cliche and a crazy little man who just can't help himself. Watch and understand, and stick around for the discussion of Potmaster Brandon Roy.

1 comment:

  1. Awkward Moment/Totally Out Of Context Award goes to: "This is still an African-American game..."

    First of all...Okay? Second of all... Dirk? Third of's game is clearly "Biracial", owing in large part to the oft-unreported prolificacy starting in the late 80's of such NBA luminaries as "Wild" Bill Wennington, "Loose" Luc Longley, "Big" Joe Klein, "I Just Put My Crotch in Your Face" Tom Chambers, Rick "The Stick" Smits, "Horny" Jeff Hornacek, and, somewhat surprisingly, "Smooth as 'Cotton'" Fitzsimmons.
