

Things We Used to Say


For the first time in years, last night around 8, I shut my laptop and said loudly to no one in particular, "I can't write about basketball anymore tonight." Which is a shame, since I have tons of things I want to put down in this space, including Dr. J's pre-career and nature of corrections; one final consideration of the Bron ad; and those Warriors, who filled my heart with love when I woke up this morning. If you're going to point out that the previous sentence sounded kind of homoerotic, well, religion does lots of time, too. Leave this site forever.

However, I would seriously advise you to listen to the latest FD Presents: The Disciples of Clyde NBA Podcast episode. Not only is it the first-ever one-on-one meeting between myself and Kenneth Paul Drews -- it's probably the most raw, uncensored, uncut, and potentially damning interview about the book I'll ever do. Fun fact: I first got in touch with Ken and Dan after I listened to their discussion of the Almanac, where Ken spent the whole time questioning whether or not FD wasn't just one big elaborate con. Now, we're having a cozy conversation about the new joint.

Because it must be said: if you listen to one really long podcast about the new FD book, it should probably be this one. LISTEN.


-Me + The Basketball Jones for only the second time in forever. What could go wrong?

-Q&A w/New York Magazine with lots of Knicks wisdom, and some very long sentences I apparently say out loud.


  1. Writing for Deadspin will do that to ya. ;)

  2. Is the kid in the black hoodie Gordon Hayward?

  3. @BRE...that is Hayward's sister.
