

The Most You Can Do Without Speaking

I need to stop and get it together. Yesterday is a truly big one for this establishment, especially when you consider that we didn't do anything. TrueHoop tells us that Dr. Santiago Colas (of Go Yago!) at Michigan is using The Undisputed Guide as a textbook; then, the Mavs video team gives what is undoubtedly a shout-out to one of our founding members (go 58 seconds in).

Also, last night I realized that there are no new buzz players this year. That's why I feel like I'm slacking. Actually, there's one, one big one -- Blake Griffin -- and physics-like, he has stolen everyone else's light and plunder, or made their stores look puny. He is the great uniter and great divider -- what us League Pass fiends have been waiting for, maybe even more than Durant ever was. At the same time, though, he makes a mockery of all the time we spent waiting on players far less fantastical to shake up our Tuesdays. AND OUR TUESDAYS ALONE! Anyway, I'm not complaining. Griffin has made life so much more simple. You watch the big game, or you watch the Clippers. Or maybe the Warriors, if BG ain't on.

Can someone tell me the difference between End of the Year posts and Thanksgiving ones? Really, I don't get it. Am I supposed to be preachy here? I feel a lot more reflective; in late Novemeber I was mostly just mad about travel and disappointed at what wasn't working out the way I wanted it to in the NBA.

Speaking of total surprises from space, I wake up today (way, way late) to news that the Timberwolves -- already FD favorites for their stewardship of Love and Beasley -- are eyeing O.J. Mayo, have a good shot at Ricky Rubio coming over (there is now promise there, really), and ... hold it ... trading for Anthony Randolph. I think I speak for everyone when I say that, if these things come to pass, this will be the most FreeDarko team ever assembled. I couldn't even dream up one more in line with my core principles. Will stop now before I puke out tears of excitement. It's funny, though, that David Kahn may actually be more a kindred spirit than we ever thought. Those folks calling him a fool? They probably get bored with this site, too. So there. Happy New Year, Kahn. Phase One was risky, even silly, but if this is what's next, it was all worth it. You saw what talent would flourish, and are now in a position to bring in more Beasleys. Just keep letting other teams think you're doing them a favor.

Now I have to wonder if this means all-out war between Ziller and myself. Although I suspect he would forgive all, and do penance, if that above-stated team came to pass. Rationality only holds until it is outsmarted. Kahn may do just that.

I am going skiing in a mountain cabin and may die. So here is the last Works of the year, with New Year's Resolutions for players, and Eric and me. Also, the long-promisd discussion of age in the NBA. Look for me on the Awl sometime Wednesday, too. Merry Christmas to all!


  1. Shoals,
    although the Wolves are quick becoming the most lovable bunch of misfits in the NBA don't forgets the Warriors. Monta is capable of dropping 40 every night, Dorell Wright has Riley kicking himself for letting him leave the Heat, Biedrins is still the league best Latvian, Curry is a good ankle away from stardom, and Dlee is becoming Waltonesque (at least in terms of injuries). Thanks for the great work in 2010 and looking forward to what you have in store for 2011 aka Maurice Lucas Elvin Hayes.

  2. Everyone knows I love these Warriors, and as I said, I watch them if the Clippers aren't on, every night. But Griffin is on another level. Also, while Ellis is much better, it's not like we've never seen him before, or have just discovered his brilliance.

  3. Anyone who uses Twitter, or reads The Works, knows how much Monta Ellis means to me. That I haven't written about the Warriors on here lately is an unfortunate accident of scheduling.

  4. Shoals,
    my comment wasn't meant as a critique more as a confession of my fascination/fondness of GSW. Being on the East Coast and without League Pass, the Warriors are almost ABA like in epicness, in that I know they exist, operate outside the normal laws of hoops, and yet rarely if ever seen them.

  5. So I know Dorrell Wright isn't exciting like young Blake, but is he outside of the realm of new and exciting? Or will he have to keep dropping 30 points and finish the regular season as the league leader in made 3's?

  6. Maybe it's just me, but some of the aesthetic beauty of watching the Warriors was lost when they changed uniforms this year. Now, I 100% stand behind their new look, and frankly find it to be one of the best looks in the NBA, and possibly all of sports. However, my point is that watching that '07 playoff team with 4 shooting guards playing at once made about as much sense as having yellow, orange, and blue uniforms with the Silver Surfer as your logo. Yet there was obviously a certain beauty to it, as everyone who reads this sight now knows.

    As this year's version of the Warriors took on a much more traditional approach in many aspects, they still retain some of their lovable charm. I smile every time I stumble upon on of their games at a bar, and still seem to be magnetized by the beauty of Monta's tats and Steph's inability to not look like a minor in those delicious yellow and blues, but admittedly, it's not the same as it once was...

  7. Buzz Players....Cousins, Landry Fields, Dorrell Wright. Beasley, DeRozen, and Raymond Felton could fit the bill as well.

    Obviously this group has a hard time (I am reaching a bit with Fields, but I love his game) measuring up to The Point Freshmen from last year, but they are still compelling narratives if not dominant ones.

  8. watching the twolves secret santa video...i was like shit i love this team. the whole team is buzz players.

    beez, darko, klove, kosta, pec (is that his name?), and anthony tolliver - love that frontcourt. so hilarious!

    wes johnson, luke ridnour (FROM BLAINE WA), jonny flynn, ramon sessions, etc etc etc.

    what a weird team.

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