

Santa Walks


In today's Works, Eric and I make up a bunch of NBA Christmas Specials that have to be seen to believed!


  1. I have a very serious question. For this Christmas I asked my family for two things: paint and "The Undisputed Guide to Pro Basketball History." Today, when we were wrapping gifts in my parent's kitchen, I noticed in a Barnes and Noble bag a copy of "The Book of Basketball." Clearly there was some confusion. Do I tell my sisters how mistaken they were? Or do I accept the gift, feign appreciation, paint Simmons' book with my new supplies, and then go buy the correct book on the 26th?

    Please help.

  2. Tell them that you wanted the smart, artsy book that looks to interest everyone in sports while maintaining a social conscience and embracing all peoples ... not the other one.

    I'm assuming they will like you more that way, no?

  3. Since money has alredy been wasted, it would be wise for you to be the first dude to see how well bill simmons book burns, and only then go and buy the real basketball work of art (jesus walks shoals?)

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