

Every Emotion in the Book

Here's Chris Webber talking about the microfracture experience (if you can call it that) during last night's unforgettable Kings-Nuggets event. Thanks to Sebastian for pulling the video.


  1. Chris and Reggie had some definite chemistry together on the mic last night.

  2. keep on doing what ur doing cuz this blog is great. Shoals, do you answer e-mails?

  3. I usually do but have been swamped ... sorry if I didn't, hit me again.

  4. sorry if the comment sounded a bit harsh, didnt meant to be

  5. Webber really was good on-air, it's different just listening to him than it is seeing him with the other TNT guys for instance. He's got a good observational flow. I think the comments about micro-fracture struck a lot of people, kind of understated, realistic, sad.

  6. Webber really is good on tv. I enjoy him in his second career much more than I did in his first. As many followers of this blog know, the edition of Gametime featuring him and Glove was like Inside the NBA + a can and a half of four loko per head (admittedly a great deal of this had to do with influence of GP). The one seemingly unanswerable question I've always had is have CWebb and the rest of the Inside crew ever addressed the comments they made about Webber while they watched an early 2000's Kings game as detailed in the notable Simmons column detailing his behind the scenes experience at TNT? One can only wonder...

    wv: micledi - the next great jump shot happy Italian PF

  7. Webber is very good with his observations, but he talks in a Joycean stream-of-consciousness. It seems like his brain is working faster than his mouth can keep up, which is the opposite of how most people operate. He just needs to pause for a breath and insert some virtual punctuation every ten seconds or so.
