

A few things.

First, I would like to point everybody to Shoals' latest master-stroke on the NCAA tournament. Vintage.

Second, I would like to again thank everybody who took my study last week. As promised, I will unveil the results. Unfortunately, it pretty much turned out to be a massive (yet inexpensive) bust, which presents me with the following dilemma: I need to present the results of and ideas behind the study, but I would also like to give this another go-around in a few weeks and therefore don't want people to know too much. I'll try to walk this line the best I can...(also, for people who didn't take the study, this will make no sense).

Basically, there were two studies involved. The first study involved being primed via the sentence unscrambling task. To read more about priming see here, and to read a summary of a study that used this sentence unscrambling task to prime the concept of God, see here. Different people received different unscrambling tasks, and I'm not going to state exactly what we were trying to prime in different conditions, but you might be able to figure it out. Also, it is important to note that the prime DID NOT WORK, so we can't really conclude everything. Our basic idea was we were trying to find out how this priming task influenced the subsequent task where people evaluated the humanness of an ingroup member (sports fan of their favorite team) and an outgroup member (sports fan of their least favorite team). However, because the prime didn't work, all we did instead was show that people see fans of their least favorite team as less essentially human, a nice finding, but one that merely replicates the work of decades of psychology research.

The second study was really just a pilot study trying to determine how people behave in common goods dilemmas or free-riding paradigm. Downloading music is a classic dilemma of this nature and we wanted to see how people responded when we framed the question in different ways. Unfortunately, our effects were null on this, but it gave us some good ideas for future research.

So, thanks for taking your time to help me out. And I think I'm gonna throw another one of these up in a few weeks that will hopefully yield more interesting results. Also, feel free to email me with more questions at uchicagostudies "at" gmail "dot" com

In other news, the grand imperial Nick Catchdubs sent this to us.

I have a feeling Seikaly leads a pretty awesome life. Anybody want to make guesses as to what type of music he plays?

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At 3/20/2009 2:13 PM, Blogger Iron Chef Boyardee said...

Rony Seikaly leads a damn awesome life. Have you seen that man's wife?!? Google "Elsa Benitez" or click: https://www.msu.edu/course/iah/211c/hassoun/content/famous/a_benitez.jpg

At 3/20/2009 2:14 PM, Blogger Bhel Atlantic said...

What does "the prime did not work" mean? Are you saying there was no statistically significant difference caused by different forms of the priming task?

As for Seikaly, obviously the first guess is Arabic or Persian music. Maybe he's a fan of hip-hop from his time around NBA players.

I did a google search for Michael Capponi, one of the names listed on that poster. Basically he seems to be a party promoter in Miami. This page is a lot of bluster for a fairly non-impactful career path.

At 3/20/2009 2:17 PM, Blogger Bhel Atlantic said...

Chef Boyardee, I just looked up Benitez's wikipedia page and apparently they are no longer together. I'm sure Rony has no shortage of beautiful women, though.

At 3/20/2009 2:50 PM, Blogger Brown Recluse, Esq. said...

I'm guessing Seikaly spins shitty house music.

At 3/20/2009 5:12 PM, Blogger 800# said...

With the flier as my only evidence I've deduced that he plays big-room house. Nothing progressive, girls hate that shit.

Worth noting: Jazzy Jeff, Felix da Housecat, Sebastian Ingrosso, and DJ AM are all playing that spot in the near future. Rony's a true player.

At 3/20/2009 6:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This whole post/exercise raises far too many issues. But I will raise just one: when it comes to the question about the "human-ness" of opposing fans, does anyone actually answer a question like that seriously? You might for a moment doubt the humanity of some Congolese ethnic cleansers or some Muslim extremists, or even some CIA interrogators, but anyone who really genuinely believes that Knicks fans (or whoever) are a few sandwiches short of a picnic in the humanity stakes needs to see a fuckin' shrink! As a Rockets fan I'm quite happy to converse on an equal basis with Spurs or Mavs fans. They might be misguided, but they're not sub-human! Mostly...

At 3/21/2009 1:05 AM, Blogger El Presidente said...

He DOES spin house and balearic. Think Kelly Diamond and Aeroplane, Al Usher, Alan Braxe, Studio (the Swedish ones). Mixed bag, as with any amateur.

At 3/21/2009 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Celtics fan and when I look around the Fleet all I see are robots. Team wins championship, must go support then. Who is Fred Roberts?

The Lakes got Jack. Super humannes.

At 3/21/2009 10:28 PM, Blogger Tom Doggett said...

On the subject of Shoals' Sporting News article: I've been noticing what he says about the NCAA more and more this year. So many players don't seem able to exercise their full abilities in the college game. James Harden is the most obvious example I've seen. He's bigger, faster, and stronger than everyone else in the Pac-10, but he struggles with the attention defenses give him. He's prone to offensive fouls because when smaller guards stay in front of him, he often knocks them over. (He also uses his off-arm quite liberally). I've seen him blow by all of his fellow fast-breaking Sun Devils into a wall of three defenders simply because his wingmen can't keep up.

I think the team that most typifies the stifled NBA'er wandering through the tighter, more controlled NCAA is Gonzaga. They have several great talents I could see running wild in the NBA who are trapped in the slower junior circuit. What makes this maddening is that they are all on the same team, so in theory they should be running teams to death with their superior talent.

At 5/17/2013 4:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am really interested in your study and I bet that Sportsbook community is too.


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