

In the Hour of Iffy

For my reactions to Suns/Lakers, go to The Sporting Blog.

One thing I left out: Everyone, including my girl, thought that Shaq looked thinner in the Phoenix whites. This despite the fact that black is supposed to have that effect. I think it was everything to do with the perception of the Suns as a small team, something that even the most casual observer has had hammered into his skull by now.

I am sick of the media saying that Chris Paul "will be a superstar." He's the best PG in the league. No question. I've been stuck on this idea lately that, from market value perspective, point guards are the new big men. Paul is living proof that, on the floor, they can be just as (pun intended) central to a team kicking ass. The Hornets are a funny bunch, but Paul is the MVP and single-handedly putting them where they are. And anyone who has doubted his FD-ness: A points, assists, steals triple-double is almost Josh Smith territory.

Finally, does anyone remember this memorable Dr. LIC/Billups conversation, about hip-hop and the NBA before the two became synonymous? To extend, or maybe preempt, the entire gist, kindly examine these two videos. One is an answer, one might be the Rosetta Stone:


  1. Are you kidding me I just came here to write 'FREE GERALD GREEN' in some random posts comments.......

  2. Question: Is there an RSS feed for the Shoals Sporting News pieces? I'm becoming a slave to my Google Reader habits.

  3. I'm not sure this really applies, but I've been thinking about why littles are so much more effective marketing tools than bigs. The general consensus is that they're just inherently more exciting, but guys like Amare and Dwight are some of the most breath-taking players in the league. I didn't even realize there was a STAT shoe until this week.

    Now there may be validity that people are more apt to identify with someone closer to their size, but if that were the case, Kirk Hinrich would lead the league in jersey sales.

    Why do guards move so much more product? There has to be a reason.

  4. goathair:

    This is simplistic, but for me, I actually have a hope of emulating a guard's moves much more closely than those of a big. I can execute a crossover, fadeaway, or drive to the basket, but my chances of "throwing it down, big man" or getting a resounding block due to my superhero-like athleticism are pretty slim.

  5. Goathair:

    Picture the two most iconic marketing images associated with the league. 1 - the Logo itself, in the form of Jerry West, and 2 - the Jumpman logo. Both are guards, handling the ball, in motion, headed to the hoop. They are speed and dynamism captured, driving, slashing, ending in a score, the essence of the game. Guards bring this, our (and Madison Ave's) traditional notion of a big does not.

    Unless...the game evolves. Recall Shoals' closing line on today's Sporting News post about the fluidity and grace of the Laker frontcourt, and imagine if they could (or were permitted to) ballhandle like Nash, Paul, Kidd, et al. Evolution of the game, with seven-foot handlers as the next level. They already exist in proto-form (see KG, Dirk), but have not taken over. Perhaps...Durant.

    wv: egdmgmjw - egads, my game might just work

  6. The interesting thing about the Green-to-Houston trade is that now "the next T-Mac" is playing with the real T-Mac. Has that ever happened before? It's like the Bulls trading Randy Brown for Harold Minor or something.

  7. BRE- I think it happened the first time when TMac and Vinsanity were on the Raps together.

    Man, I'm stoked about this. I'd about given up on a 17 year love affair with the Rockets in the name of liberated fandom and having finally moved to a city with a franchise (now selling St. Joe's grads at BOGO prices), and then they rip 9 in a row off and Stern says its all over for Seattle...
    I try to get out, BUT THEY KEEP PULLING ME BACK IN.

  8. Stuart - I don't think you're ever gonna see too many legit 7 footers doing that much ball handling just because it's easier to strip the ball from guys who have to have that high a dribble. Also, at that size it's always a lot tougher for them to make quick cuts just because there's so much more mass and inertia. They can run the floor and fill the lane on a break, but odds are good there will always be a smaller guy who's orchestrating things.

  9. Amen on Paul. It's way past borderline how even the media that describes him as "possibly the MVP" can't even see their own blinders.

    wv: dwetd - deron williams, easier to defend

  10. Was that a Shawn Bradley highlight in the first video? And was Robert Horry actually dunking the ball?

  11. T-Mac was not and has never been the "next Vince Carter".
