

Everything Paints

Working on this book elicits all sorts of odd memories, one of which was from my younger days as an employee with the Minnesota Timberwolves. At the request of Shoals, I will retell this small anecdote about Stephon Marbury circa 1996, although I'm not quite sure what it means or if it's interesting.

One day when Steph was getting some treatment in the trainers room, we somehow got to talking about rap music. I remember he (and KG to a certain extent) were very involved in the New York rap scene at the time, and there was even some rumor of KG being set up on a date with Lil' Kim. Anyway, it was a few days after Mobb Deep's Hell on Earth came out and we sort of mutually exchanged pleasant opinions on the masterwork. This established some sort of bond, because later that evening Marbury entrusted me with a very specific and important task. I was to go out to his car (some middling Sedan at the time) and retrieve out of a middle compartment some lysol, which I was to then spray around the car. He made this task sound like I was retrieving the Sankara stone from the Thuggee cult. At such a young age, I was completely unclear as to what a man would be doing keeping Lysol in his car. Later one of my co-workers told me that Marbs' dad was in town and I quickly deduced that there was a particular scent Marbury was trying to cover up before giving him a ride home. Pretty innocuous in comparison to the stories I have about Mitch Richmond, Christian Laetnerr, Stanley Roberts, or Crunch the mascot...

Now to make this story more than a simple PG-13 revelation plus a namedrop, I guess the takeaway is that there was a time when Marbury was more of a simple, young, humanish human being. He was a little mischievous, and ultimately one of the nicest people around, who would engage in conversation with even the lowliest of NBA employees.

Shifting gears, I want to point everyone toward this video of a shocking camera, which--and for some reason this cracks me the f up--is set to the "Where Amazing Happens" music.


  1. Must have been awesome to hang with Star and KG back when both had hair. Dr. Lawyer, are you currently working within the League?

    Oh, and that video *is* hilarious!

  2. Steph with the center part shaved in was my favorite player for a while. It sucks to think what kind of player he would have been if he'd stayed with Garnett.

  3. Give it up, Steph. Lysol's not going to cover the weed, just make it smell like you smoked it in a hospital.

  4. Ah, those were the days. And one my favorite memories of the Marbury era:

  5. After the MSG trial, do you think there may have been a more Rated R reason why the car needed to be sprayed down? I hope you wore gloves!

  6. Now I want to know what the Mitch Richmond, Christian Laettner, Stanley Roberts et al stories were . . .

  7. Just in case anyone was curious, the "where amazing happens" song is "Everyday" by Carly Comando (!) and was originally written for one of those videos where the person takes a picture of him/herself every day for a year and then shows them all in 4 minutes. Shouldn't be too hard to find on the 'Tube for those interested.

  8. I've always enjoyed the random pictures, but I now feel I must point out (in the spirit of name-dropping): I was at the party at which that top photo was taken, and I feel pretty confident in saying that no one even remotely associated w/ the NBA (or with this site) would have been anywhere near it. Given, then, the complete randomness of Chief or Shoals or whoever (a) finding it randomly on Facebook and (b)posting it, I'm not sure if it makes the pictures here slightly worse or way, way better.

  9. T., are you familiar with a bar in Houston (on Richmond, near Sound Exchange) that was once owned by the Rockets mascot? Apparently all the mascots used to hang out there. I have no idea why all of them were in town at the same time.

  10. Speaking of Eddie Griffin, has the following headline up right now regarding Chris Henry: "Troubled Henry ticketed for expired license plates."

    Almost like it was ripped right out of David Simon's "we're all just waiting to be replaced" mantra.

  11. Is that Mike Hitsky in the picture? Haven't seen him for 10 years...
