

Thundrous Announcement

Remember those Style Guide sketches you all wanted more of? Ever wonder why we never mentioned them again?

It's because they're a key element of FreeDarko's Guide to the 2008-09 Season, which will be published by Bloomsbury in time for Opening Day. Expect full-color, undiluted FreeDarko with all sorts of warfare you've never seen before. Further details forthcoming.

We'd like to thank our agent, Chris Parris-Lamb, and ourselves. And all of you, without whom none of this would have been possible.

The FREEDARKO EVERY PLAYER PREVIEW will resume tomorrow.


  1. !!!!!!!!, indeed. Fantastical.

  2. Tell me there's a C-Span Book TV appearance.

  3. Introduction by Lytton Strachey?

  4. Nah, Kirilenko's writing the foreword, right?

  5. In tears, even.

  6. Where do I a copy (or 10) signed?

  7. What do Sir Edmund Hillary, Al Gore, and FreeDarko have in common?

  8. kicko, we roll with edward said, john banville, and caetano veloso.

  9. Great for you guys. So why is Darko to the right still "enraged"?

  10. Book TV -- do it.

    Also expecting an awkward Colbert Report schill-session.

  11. kaifa--refresh your browser, and he might be aloof. we have no control over darko's moods, that's all marc iavaroni.

  12. I'm more excited for this than I was for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

  13. FD in print feels so right.

  14. Since this is a really stupid question, I'll stay anonymous: is this book being published for THIS season as a preview of 08-09? I only ask because that kind of semi-surrealist forward-looking non sequitur seems terribly FD.

  15. BR - thanks, I knew about the quickly changing moods of Darko. But I had no idea Iavaroni was behind it. He always looks up to something though, I could have figured.

    So is this the season of FD's "Takeover" - in the footsteps of Arenas?

  16. Great news. I looked up that post just last night to show to a friend. Can't wait to see the book.

  17. There may be words to express my excitement over this revelation, but I am not sure which ones.

    Regardless, I need two autographed copies.

    I'll throw in another 20 bucks if one of the copies has The Namesake's autograph.

  18. My thoughts:
    1. !!!!!!!!dfksjhkds!!!
    2. The words to that Mariah Carey Christmas song needs to be changed.
    3. !!!
    4. TZ's suggestion is perfect, even perfecter would be if AK wrote the foreword in Russian and than Babelfished it.
    5. That style guide thing is still the coolest thing to hit the internet since the ASCII drawing of Darth Vader.

  19. Damn that's a long wait.

    But so worth it.

    Could a blog revolutionize commentary on the game by attacking the status quo through Old Media? It would only be FD if it were so.

  20. I met a dude in a NY bar who works for a guy that might have, but didn't, publish this book. From what I was told it sounds damn fantastic, and his boss missed out. Nice work on getting a book deal!

  21. I need a good name for my fantasy squad. Any fd names out there?

  22. And my day has been made.

  23. we are all god's children.

  24. -flash forward to December 29th episode of Book TV-

    Book Signing Attendee: Yeah hi, my question is for Dr. Lawer IndianChief. Do you think Rafer Alston's assist to turnover ratio serves as a metaphor for our ever worsening national debt with China? I'd be interested to hear the rest of the panel's thoughts as well...


  25. congratulations doesn't really begin to cover it. I have no doubts that nothing can prepare me for how mind boggling the book will be. taking preorders yet?

  26. i read this and on gleeful autopilot was about to bump up my chip in, but i decided that i cannot give people money for announcing a future opportunity to give them other money. but the fact that i very nearly did- that's how much swag y'all pull. so i'll just save it for next week.

  27. Eh Steve's mouth explodes the universe, and that blonde guy does a tiny, tiny dance.

    When you said Marc Iavaroni, I first read it as Mike Iuzzolino, which made me think back to a time when the world was purer and far more strange.

    Just don't do the Radiohead pay-what-you-want. It's already passe.

  28. Anon 8:16 - I just renamed mine "Love in the Time of Najera" (see the player previews). Previously it had been The New-Day Co-Op. Feel free to steal either.

    Oh, and: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. I am so thrilled.

  30. Are we allowed to say mazel tov?

    Well, I'm saying it. Mazel tov!

  31. This is the greatest news ever. I want to attend the book release party!!!!!!

  32. What's the over-under on how much this will cost with a shoals signature?

  33. This is gonna be fuckin' awesome.

  34. and to think we knew free darko back in the disco era

  35. Dr. Lawyer Indian chief - phone

  36. I have to admit that price per head demo and me are looking forward to the Style Guide sketches.

  37. see and read here as a personal training myself to be polite. because if we write a speech utterance wild or out of control in my opinion will be minimized when sticking on this blog thank you for your knowledge motovasi and feel the difference

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