

We Interrupt Ourselves

And the trance-like focus of our EVERY SINGLE PLAYER PREVIEW for a few off-site announcements.

Firstly, Longform is back. Again. My Western preview is up, and it's a lot jazzier than my view of the East. I also highly recommend you keep an eye on Deadspin, which will host a week's worth of FD player profiles from now 'til 10/30. Believe.


  1. Ricky Davis is now on the Heat. Does the thought of him hanging out with Shaq make anyone else giddy for this season to hurry up and start?

    wv: uokplz- A doubtful Seattlite.

  2. since this comment section isnt really about anything, and in keeping with the genesis, can we post some of our fantasy line-ups (assuming most have drafted by now)?

  3. deron williams, joe johnson, ricky davis, s-jax, dirk, biedrins, chandler, horford, scola, tyrus, jose calderon, belinelli

  4. So concerning the Knicks, if you get the team you're rooting to root against, then rooting against them would be contradictory and rooting for them would be pathetic. You're entirely too self-aware and barely human.
